Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Starting over

I haven't worked this blog for a while.  You guessed it.  I've been too busy!  I'm not sure if that is the answer really.  Yes, life is crazy.  I find myself always in pursuit of that illusive butterfly called financial security.  And at the same time, I hate money.  It seems to draw our focus doesn't it?  I'm thinking how wise God was when He set up in the Old Testament Law that every 7 years all debts everywhere were canceled.  Gosh, wouldn't that be amazing?  Everyone who went to school and used borrowed funds to do it would automatically be set free after 7 years.

Banks I suppose, would be more cautious about lending money and not everyone would go to College (Do you really need to go to college if you want to be a craftsman?) but at least we would be free from a cruel task master.  How would your life be different if you had no debt?

On the flip side, there is a call to be content in whatever circumstance you find yourself.  Hmmm being content doing without is harder than it sounds.  I think learning to be content can keep us from making choices that put us in that hole.  Not always, but sometimes.  And if we can stay out of the oppression of debt, I believe we have a much bigger chance of ending the headless chicken cycle.

There is a time when it is time to start over.  Today sounds like that time.