Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Starting over

I haven't worked this blog for a while.  You guessed it.  I've been too busy!  I'm not sure if that is the answer really.  Yes, life is crazy.  I find myself always in pursuit of that illusive butterfly called financial security.  And at the same time, I hate money.  It seems to draw our focus doesn't it?  I'm thinking how wise God was when He set up in the Old Testament Law that every 7 years all debts everywhere were canceled.  Gosh, wouldn't that be amazing?  Everyone who went to school and used borrowed funds to do it would automatically be set free after 7 years.

Banks I suppose, would be more cautious about lending money and not everyone would go to College (Do you really need to go to college if you want to be a craftsman?) but at least we would be free from a cruel task master.  How would your life be different if you had no debt?

On the flip side, there is a call to be content in whatever circumstance you find yourself.  Hmmm being content doing without is harder than it sounds.  I think learning to be content can keep us from making choices that put us in that hole.  Not always, but sometimes.  And if we can stay out of the oppression of debt, I believe we have a much bigger chance of ending the headless chicken cycle.

There is a time when it is time to start over.  Today sounds like that time.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

No Capes!

I'm thinking of the movie: The Incredibles where the great fashion designer "Edna Mode", the designer of super suits says, "No Capes!" and explains all the reasons why they are a hazard in hero work.  No Capes means, no being the super hero, no jumping in to save the day, over and over again.  I'm sure there are times when jumping in is the right thing to do but often it is just the habit of saying, "I can do it!" Instead of asking God, "What am I to do"?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Too busy to blog!

There is something indicative about not having the time or energy to do this blog consistently.  We are too caught up in the flow of busyness.  I am starting again with step one. Making a list of what I need to do in a day and then dividing it up into two.  Hmmm, maybe I should divide it into three?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Maybe that should be step three... rest... I'm not sure rest is something a recovering headless chicken can do without help... maybe we need to get a supervisor about now.  We certainly need to confess.  Hi, My name is Ruth Ann Lea and I'm a headless chicken. Rest is a lot more than stopping activity... Hmmm, I'm not sure what it is any ideas?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Being still is an art!

It's not that computers are bad but they are a distraction for me. Being still means getting off of this thing and taking time to ponder. Being still feels like stepping out of the world for a while. I can't do that if I don't turn off my cell phone (txt's can wait!) Shut off my computer and even get outside... away from the distractions of dishes and all. Gak! sometimes I need to get away from my house all together because there are things outside that are begging for my attention. It's tough. That's for sure

Monday, August 22, 2011

What about wrenches?

That's my question today. How do you stay headed, as apposed to headless when a tree falls on your house? Forget about writing a list and cutting it in half. We have lots of rain in the north. We NEED to get this off of our house! But then maybe it is not about working or not working but realizing when you are finished for the day. You can only accomplish so much in a day. Perhaps we are confused as to what our limits are? A day will have to end. We will not get this cleaned up in a day. This is just another test of balance. Geeze! I'm thinking this test of balance is like dropping an anvil on someone's tight rope wire!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Superman Syndrome

Sometimes we think more highly of ourselves that we ought. It's kind of a superman syndrome. We think we can scale tall demands in a single bound! What would happen if we accepted our limitations? What if limitations are there to protect us, not to limit us? What would happen if we said, "no". I don't think it can be reasonably done in that amount of time? What if we slowed down?

I'm not sure what step this should be in the process but somewhere in there a step in the process is, "just say, "NO!"' I keep thinking that I can add one more thing onto the pile of things I have to do today. I make a list of what I need to do in a day, cut it in half and make it too and than start adding addendums. Good grief! I can't do everything, well I think I can... but do I want to?

I think it is hard to teach people around me that I have limitations. These are people who have become accustomed to me doing more than I have the energy for. I have taught them to expect me to perform at a certain, insane level of proficiency. Arg! How do I get off this train?